October 11, 2023 – The MGN Law Firm celebrated the International Day of the Girl at the University of San Carlos – South Campus. Fight Like a Girl PH, together with Zonta Club of Cebu 2 and 2TinCans Philippines, Inc., organized an event entitled, “Girls’ Rights, Girls’ Future” with the end goal of empowering and educating our young women.

Atty. Tercel, as a sitting member of the Board of Directors of Cebu Lady Lawyers Association (CELLA) and a member of Zonta 2, was invited to be one of the speakers for the event. Together with Atty. Paulus, Atty. Trisha, and Atty. Clefford of the MGN Law Firm, Atty. Tercel discussed the topic on Responsible Netizenship, something that is very relevant in today’s digital age.

The MGN Law Firm related today’s online trends and behavior with our relevant laws, such as the Data Privacy Act, the Intellectual Property Code, the Anti-Cybercrime Law, and the Safe Spaces Act. They enumerated the Do’s and Don’t’s in order for the younger generation to be aware of their rights and obligations, and to better protect themselves in the digital landscape.